Selasa, 27 Maret 2012

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You've added your blog. However, before writing paid posts, you must activate it first. We need this to evaluate the popularity of your blog and calculate the size of the bonus, which will be credited to your account. To do this, we suggest you to write in your blog about LinkFromBlog marketplace and temporarily set somewhere (in the beginning, in the middle or at the end of the post) our invisible or visible counter. Do not put this counter on the pages that are not relevant to this post, in the footer or header. We need to know how many real people read about us, not just visit your blog. So, in order to activate your blog, write a post, include in it one of our visible or invisible counter codes and also our affiliate link or banner. If you use the visible counter in the post, then the affiliate link (or banner) is unrequired. If you do not want to write in your blog about us, you can just add a counter code in the last post and remove it after activation is done, but in this case you don't receive your bonus.

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Kamis, 16 Februari 2012

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selamat malam blogger semuanya semoga anda sehat sehat saja . . . . . . .
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